See Beaver Run/creative writing project part 3

So consumed are Mess Shaun and Monsieur Beaver, as they like to call each other, that they’ve absolutely forgotten their joint commitment to be head of neighborhood watch, starting that morning, actually. While Beaver packs his bowl, and scans his trusty desk calendar, Shaun is still en route to buy emergency bc powders.

Meanwhile, back on the corner, in front of Shaun’s home, the grisly old gentleman proceeds to begin urinating all over the garden, of Shaun’s next door neighbor, unfortunately named,Mrs. Feiught. (Fu-t) Mrs Feiught calls the police, immediately after muttering such explicitness, that it makes Shaun’s earlier show look like Sesame Street. The police, upon arrival, query in regards to the neighborhood watch, find the proper persons ultimately, responsible.

Colorado State Police mock-up

Now all caught up… Shaun and Beaver meet at the request of the damn police.

Beaver pulls up ten seconds before the Mess, cursing and apologising all at once. As the two meet, Shaun giving him the eye, he surruptiosly engaging in the same manner, the distraught Mrs Feiught steps in, wearing her go to moo-moo,(this is Shaun’s idea of funny), and hurling degrading comments while simultaneously pointing at both Shaun, who is saying something about”a stupid beaver” ,and the unfortunate Beaver, who is actually really stoned out of his mind.

“You both in big trouble, little missy, now I do not know which one of you dropped the ball, but it was your day to make the rounds, I know, I called the other leading members, of the Watch, and they agreed with me, it is IN THE SCHEDULE, and now, just look at what Captain PeePee has gone and done! That man! What was standing out on YOUR corner miss Missy, as I recollect this very morning? I saw you give him that very unladylike gesture, and I think you already know, I don’t approve.. tsk tsk!” Mrs Feiught is really turning quite red, and in an effort to calm her neighbor, Shaun reaches out and takes the woman’s hand in her own. This was not a smart move, as she is none too familiar with the opinions of the neighborhood and subsequently, the Watch, as it’s called, and Mrs. Feiught snatches her hand away, and begins to shoo at her with the one hand, and smack at her with the next. Shaun is perplexed, head in hand, she starts shaking her head. What fresh hell is this? Beaver’s idea of integrating Shaun into the neighborhood? She’s already well aware of her neighbors and they of her, they stay away from each other, and occasionally nod hello. Well, she nods hello, they make stinkface. “When? , we’re sorry, everyone, really. Umm. ..When are we written in,? Mrs foot, umm to do that, this, ma’am? And, what, all else,?” Beaver, hangdog, but gentle, steps in at this point,”Today, we’re on for, 8 am to 12pm. And then, 10 to 2am, each night,”. “NIGHT?!,” Shaun, shouts, incredulous,”Really, B, night?”. “Yeees, night, Mess, uh I mean, Shaun.“, he begins to roll his eyes, when he catches sight of an old, disheveled man, bummy looking actually, snooping thru the trash at the Gotleib’s. He gives Shaun the eye, gesturing towards the man, and she, confused, almost misses the message. Then she looks, sees, narrows, nods. Suddenly, Beaver takes off, like a shot. “Excuse him, please, he’s got, a uh, uhh, chore to do right now, for me, uh, umm, for all of us, yes! and… I’m sure, all will be made clear- umm, just,.. in ,uhh, in one, minute,”. She needn’t have bothered, they all turn and, shocked at first, now they see the quarry Beaver is actually sprinting towards, fast, too. Really fast. “Dude! Halt dude!”, Beaver screams, right before he barrels into the guy, throwing them both into the trees, and eventually to the ground. “Don’t you move,OHMYGODYOUSMELL,ooh, damn, Shaaaun! you narly, gross! bastard, ahhhrggg, HE’S BITING ME! STOP, HALT with that shit, man! Help!!” Beaver is hollering, and he and old man of the pee, are rolling around each other’s large frames together, and it’s unclear how they will get themselves untangled. When they do, somehow, Beaver has the man by a lapel, and is charging across the street with him, when the man, seeing the police, doubles over and begins coughing. “No! Oh man, dude, you gotta come on, ok? You’ll be ok, dude,” Beaver is working to console the man, and bends over to check him, when the man punches him in the crotch. Hard.

“Man, he peed on me too you guys, gross.! I’m pressing charges, there’s gotta be a law, man”, Beaver, in three minutes time, has been bitten, peed upon, and punched in the don’t touch me area. The old man has clearly fought off stoners before.

More next time!

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